Wisdom Teeth Recovery

Thank you for choosing Capital Dental for your dental needs. We are excited to show you how we do dentistry differently! Relax: Dentistry is easy here. On this page, we’ll run through the wisdom tooth process and how we take great care of you before, during, and after the procedure. So what do you have to do?

  • Watch the videos (10 min total)
  • Read the outline
  • Sign the bottom so that we know we’re on the same page

And we will see you soon for your procedure!

Getting Wisdom Teeth Removed

  1. Why do we take them out?
    1. Pain, Risk of large infection, no room, bad alignment, risk of damage to adjacent teeth with cavities or bone loss
  2. Are there any risks to having this surgery?
    1. Infection
    2. Pain, Swelling
    3. Trauma to tissue in the area
    4. Damage to Adjacent teeth
    5. Sinus troubles
    6. Temporary nerve paralysis or pain
  3. Will I be asleep for this?
    1. At Capital Dental, we are able to perform IV sedation that lets you take a nap while we perform your wisdom tooth surgery. Go check out the full sedation video!
  4. How long will it take?
    1. Usually about 1 Hour

After The Appointment: Wisdom Teeth Recovery

  1. Numb for approximately 2-3 hours after the procedure
  2. Gauze in place for 60 min while biting down – replace as needed
  3. Swelling peaks at 48-72 hours (Usually pain peaks at this same time)
    1. Ice packs help a LOT!
  4. Pain management:
    1. Mix of Tylenol and Ibuprofen
  5. Stitches
    1. Usually last 7-14 days, they will dissolve naturally
  6. Diet:
    1. Start by eating soft, non-chewing necessary foods such as applesauce, yogurt/pudding or ice cream
    2. Progress to soft foods like cottage cheese, cooked potatoes or tuna.
    3. Don’t try to open wide or aggressively bite into food for the first week
    4. By the end of week two, your diet should be normalized and you should be able to open fully
  7. Irrigate the Sockets if you have any food caught in them – we will give you a plastic irrigation syringe
  8. Avoid the 4 S’s:
    1. NO sucking through straws
    2. NO spitting
    3. NO swishing vigorously
    4. NO smoking
  9. Watch out for infection
    1. Possibly associated with heat, swelling, pus, bad taste
    2. This will usually show up around 2 weeks post surgery
  10. Lay Low for 2-3 days
    1. You should focus on resting and recovering following surgery
      1. Don’t do strenuous activity
      2. Lay down with your head slightly elevated, or sit in a comfy chair
      3. Pick a TV series and binge watch that!!!!
    2. Slowly return to normal activity around 3 days post surgery

About IV Sedation Dentistry

  1. Much safer than many types of sedation because it takes effect quickly and can be reversed quickly if needed
  2. IV is started in the arm or hand, and all medications are given through that single IV include:
    1. Antibiotics to reduce infection
    2. Sedatives to give a sleepy forgetful experience
    3. Steroids to reduce inflammation
  3. What does it feel like?
    1. Take a nap, wake up groggy
  4. What is the difference between IV sedation and hospital sedation?
    1. Still breathe on your own, still responsive
  5. Rules for Sedation:
    1. No food for 8 hours prior to appointment
    2. All other liquids must be stopped 8 hours prior
      1. You may drink water, coffee or tea up until 3 hours prior to the appointment
    3. Use the Restroom 30 minutes prior to the appointment
    4. Do not wear tight clothes to the appointment, dress comfortably.
      1. No long sleeved tops, as a blood pressure cuff will be placed on your arm
      2. Please remove all fingernail polish so it doesn’t interfere with our equipment
    5. You must have someone drive you to the appointment and drive you home
      1. This person MUST remain IN THE OFFICE during the procedure
      2. If you are under 19 years of age, this must be your parent or guardian
    6. Someone MUST remain with you for AT LEAST 4 hours following the procedure
    7. Following IV sedation, you are not to drive a car, operate machinery (including lawn mowers, tractors, etc…) or use power tools for 24 hours.
  6. Who is able to have IV sedation
    1. Individuals may not be the best candidate if:
    2. They have respiratory/circulatory issues
    3. Are frequently ill
    4. Are over the age of 80
    5. Have certain autoimmune diseases or allergies
    6. Don’t Ignore a head or chest cold before a sedation. Please call immediately if any symptoms present, and we can deem if a change of appointment is necessary.
  7. How do I get charged for sedation?
    1. Sedation is billed on a per-unit basis. Each “unit” of sedation is 15 minutes
    2. Following the procedure, we will add up the number of units for sedation and bill to the responsible party (patient or insurance) for that cost
  8. What other options do I have?
    1. If this does not sound like it is right for you, we are also able to offer oral sedation, laughing gas, or a combination of both. This will not be as deep a sedative effect, but will help relieve some of the anxiety individuals experience at the dentist
  9. If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at (402) 420-0999!

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Where are we located?

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Capital Dental

5609 S. 27th St.
Lincoln, Nebraska 68512


Monday - Thursday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Friday: 8:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.
Saturday and Sunday: Closed

