What Are Impacted Wisdom Teeth?

Impacted wisdom teeth are third molars at the back of the mouth that don’t have enough room to emerge or develop normally. Impacted wisdom teeth need to be removed as soon as possible so they do not cause problems in the future.

Wisdom teeth are the last adult teeth to erupt in the mouth. Most people have four wisdom teeth in the back of their mouth – two on the top and two on the bottom. Impacted wisdom teeth can result in pain, damage to the rest of your teeth, or other dental problems. In some cases, impacted wisdom teeth may cause no immediate problems. However, since they are hard to clean, they are more vulnerable to tooth decay and gum disease than the rest of your teeth.

Symptoms of Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Impacted wisdom teeth don’t always cause problems or symptoms. If the tooth is infected, damages other teeth or causes other problems, you could experience these symptoms:

  • Red or swollen gums
  • Tender or bleeding gums
  • Jaw pain
  • Swelling around the jaw
  • Bad breath
  • An unpleasant taste in your mouth
  • Difficulty opening your mouth

When to See a Doctor

If you are experiencing any symptoms behind your last molar, you should see a dentist as soon as possible as it can be associated with an impacted wisdom tooth. Impacted wisdom teeth can become a serious problem so it is best to see a dentist before it causes issues. Learn more about wisdom teeth removal at Capital Dental by clicking the button below.

Wisdom Teeth Removal


Wisdom Tooth Removal
Recovery: Aftercare Tips

Wisdom tooth removal is a common dental procedure that millions of people undergo each year. Although the procedure itself is relatively straightforward, the recovery process can be lengthy and challenging if proper aftercare steps are not followed. At Capital Dental in Lincoln, NE, we recommend following the aftercare tips listed below to help you heal comfortably and quickly after your wisdom tooth removal procedure.

Rest and Take It Easy

It’s essential to rest and avoid any strenuous activities after your procedure for at least the first 24-48 hours. Resting allows your body to recover more quickly. Physical exertion can also cause the blood clot that forms over the surgical site to dislodge, which can lead to dry socket.

Apply Ice Packs

After wisdom tooth removal, swelling is common and applying ice packs can help reduce inflammation. Wrap an ice pack in a towel and apply it to your cheek for 10 -15 minute intervals. Do not place the ice pack directly onto your skin. Repeat this every few hours for the first few hours after surgery or as needed.

Use Gauze to Control Bleeding

It is normal to experience bleeding after wisdom tooth removal. Bite down gently on a piece of gauze for 30-45 minutes to control bleeding. If the bleeding persists, contact us immediately.

Take Prescribed Medications

You may likely be prescribed pain relievers and/or antibiotics after your surgery. Take these medications as prescribed, and do not exceed the recommended dosage. Pain relievers can help alleviate discomfort, while antibiotics can help prevent infection.

Follow a Soft Foods Diet

After your wisdom tooth extraction, stick to soft, easy-to-eat foods that do not require excessive chewing. Foods like smoothies, soup, mashed potatoes, yogurt, and applesauce are ideal. Avoid hot, spicy, or crunchy foods that can irritate the surgical site and cause pain.

Keep Your Mouth Clean

While you should avoid brushing the surgical site, it’s essential to keep your mouth clean after your wisdom tooth extraction. Rinse your mouth gently with warm saltwater several times a day to help prevent infection and promote healing.

Proper aftercare is critical for a smooth and speedy recovery after wisdom tooth removal. Following these essential aftercare tips can help ensure that you heal comfortably and successfully after your surgery. If you have any concerns or questions during the recovery process, be sure to contact us.

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How Long Do Dental Veneers Last?

Dental Veneers in Lincoln, NE

If you’re considering getting dental veneers or have had them in the past, it’s important to know how long they will last. Depending on the type of veneers you receive will play a part in how long your dental veneers will last. Proper care of your veneers will help ensure you get the most out of them. 

Taking Care of Your Dental Veneers

Once your dental veneer procedure is done, your job is not over. Patients will need to follow proper oral health guidelines to make sure their dental veneers stay in good condition. If you want your dental veneers to last as long as possible, use the following list to stay on top of your oral health: 

Daily Brushing + Flossing

You should already be brushing your teeth twice a day, but it’s always nice to have a reminder. Brushing your teeth should take around two minutes to ensure you are removing the plaque on your teeth. Patients should also be flossing their teeth once a day.

Limit Sweets

Limiting the number of sweets you consume is a good idea if you have dental veneers. You don’t have to completely stop eating sweets, but it’s important to be aware of how much you are consuming so you can be mindful of your oral health. 

Regular Dental Checkups

Visiting our Lincoln, NE office every 6 months is vital for making your veneers last as long as possible. During your visit, we will professionally clean your teeth to make sure they are free of any plaque and debris. 

Composite vs Porcelain 

The lifespan of your dental veneers depends on the type of dental veneers you received. Porcelain veneers can last anywhere from 10 to 12 years with the proper care. However, composite veneers usually only last between 4 and 8 years. 

Some dental veneers can last up to 20 years if you take great care of them. Your dentist will know when the right time to replace your dental veneers is, so always ask your dentist if you have any questions about the timeline. 

Know When It’s Time To Replace Them

Replacing your dental veneers is similar to the process of first getting them on. Your dentist will start by filing away and refining the bonding agent. Then, they will retake a mold of your teeth to ensure your new veneers fit just as well as your previous set. They will then create your new dental veneers and bond them back on your teeth. 


Dental veneers, with the proper care, can last many years. You should always follow proper oral health guidelines to make sure your dental veneers last as long as possible. If you have been considering dental veneers, reach out to Capital Dental to get your questions answered. 

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The Relationship Between Pregnancy & Oral Health

While pregnancy can be a thrilling time for women, it can also pose a number of health issues. Oral health complications are a too often overlooked issue for many pregnant women, yet it is crucial to maintain good dental hygiene during this time, just as it is essential to look after the rest of your body.

Why Oral Healthcare is Crucial During Pregnancy

Studies indicate that hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy can negatively impact women’s oral health. Due to an upsurge in progesterone, pregnant women are more vulnerable to periodontal disease, leading to inflamed and easily bleeding gums, known as pregnancy gingivitis. The CDC states that this condition can affect up to 70% of pregnant women.

 If left untreated, gum disease can escalate to periodontitis, a severe condition that can result in tooth loss and destruction of supporting tissue. Moreover, bacteria from gum disease can penetrate the bloodstream and potentially impact the growth of the developing fetus.

Changes in diet and oral hygiene practices during pregnancy can also have an impact on oral health. Pregnant women may experience an increased desire for sugary foods and drinks, which can heighten the risk of cavities.

Pregnancy Oral Health Tips

Luckily, there are many steps to take to help maintain good oral health during pregnancy:

Schedule a dental check-up: It is crucial to have a dental exam during early pregnancy, preferably during the first trimester, to detect and resolve any pre-existing dental issues. Inform your dentist about your pregnancy, as certain treatments may require postponement until after childbirth.

Practice good oral hygiene: To prevent cavities and eliminate plaque, brush your teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and floss once a day. In case of morning sickness, use water or fluoride mouthwash to rinse your mouth after vomiting to eliminate acid from your teeth. Even if your mouth feels unpleasant after getting sick, it’s vital to avoid brushing immediately after vomiting since it can rub stomach acid onto the teeth, furthering the damage to the enamel.

Watch your diet: Reduce your consumption of sugary foods and drinks and choose alternative snacks like fruits and vegetables. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water and rinse your mouth after consuming acidic or sugary foods and beverages.

Use mouthwash: Using an antimicrobial mouthwash can help minimize bacteria in the mouth and prevent gum disease. However, ensure that the mouthwash you choose is safe to use during pregnancy.

Take care of your overall health: To minimize the likelihood of dental issues during pregnancy, it is essential to follow a healthy diet, engage in regular physical activity, remain hydrated, and get sufficient rest.

It is crucial to maintain good oral hygiene during pregnancy for your well-being and that of your baby. By following these recommendations, you can help prevent dental issues and preserve a healthy smile during your pregnancy. If you have any concerns about your dental health during this unique time, feel free to contact us.

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What is Dental Technology?

High-End Dentistry in Lincoln, NE

When you visit the dentist, you may notice them using certain technologies. These dental technologies can include anything from x-ray machines to CEREC machines. All of the dental technologies we use in-office helps streamline the process of visiting the dentist. 

Types of Dental Technologies

Digital X-rays

If you’ve ever visited a dentist before, you most likely have gotten x-rays taken. Digital x-rays are standard practice at most dental offices. These digital x-rays save time and are safe for any patient. 

Cone Beam Computed Tomography (CBCT)

CBCT scanning allows our team to create images of your teeth, face and neck with just one scan. These images are high-quality and help us gather detailed information to best diagnose every patient. The CBCT machine rotates once around your head while you stand or sit. It is a quick, simple and painless process! 


CEREC stands for Chairside Economical Restoration of Esthetic Ceramic. CEREC creates a state-of-the-art way of reconstructing tooth restorations. For patients who are in need of crowns, CEREC makes it possible to walk out of the office with a new tooth in just one visit! This dental technology has revolutionized ceramic restorations so there is no waiting period preparing the restoration and receiving the final product. 

Intraoral Camera

Intraoral cameras give our team a detailed view of your mouth in pictures and videos. This dental technology is useful for putting specific problem areas on the screen so we can see in greater detail. 

What Dental Technologies are Offered at Capital Dental?

At Capital Dental, we offer dental technologies to streamline our dental process as much as possible. We use the following technologies in our practice:

  • Digital X-Rays
  • Intraoral Camera
  • Cone Beam Computed Tomography
  • iTero Digital Scanners

If you have any questions about dental technology, or what we use at our practice, please give us a call using the button below. 

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Are Dental X-Rays Safe?

X-Rays are commonly used by dentists to see beneath your gums and into your bones. However, x-rays use radiation to create their pictures which can cause anxiety in some people. Radiation can have potentially harmful effects and you can find lots of information online about the dangers of radiation. But are dental x-rays really dangerous? Join us at Capital Dental as we dive into the information about x-rays and radiation.

How safe are dental x-rays?

In short, dental x-rays are considered to be very safe. When performed properly, dental x-rays give off extremely low levels of radiation. Additionally, over the years there have been many improvements to x-ray technology that continue to improve the safety of the procedure.

Just how little radiation do you get exposed to with dental x-rays? A set of 4 bitewing x-rays will expose you to 0.4mrem of radiation. Compare that to the amount of radiation you are exposed to from a variety of things you do in your daily life – drinking water exposes you to 5mrem per year and using natural gas for heating/cooking exposes you to 9mrem per year. You are even exposed to 35mrem of natural radiation from the soil every year.

We also take additional safety precautions to minimize your exposure to radiation during the x-ray. We will have you wear a lead apron to protect most of your body. We also have a leaded thyroid collar that protects the thyroid, which is more sensitive to radiation. If you are pregnant, please let your dentist know so they can take extra precautions or they may decide against taking x-rays at that time to protect you and your fetus.

What are the benefits of dental x-rays?

Dental x-rays are very useful and help us diagnose a number of oral health problems that can cause patients pain and discomfort. Letting these issues go unchecked can cause far worse problems than the small amount of radiation received from the x-ray. The problems that we can identify include:

  • Tooth decay occurring between the teeth
  • Bone loss
  • Tumors or other growths
  • Changes in a root canal
  • Infections between the teeth and gums

If these problems are not promptly addressed, they can lead to serious long-term issues for your oral health.

Overall, the benefits of having x-rays taken vastly outweigh the risks associated with being exposed to such a small amount of radiation. If you have more questions or concerns about dental x-rays, call our Lincoln, NE dental office at (402) 420-0999 and we will be happy to give you more information.

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Cold Sores Have You Shivered?

Cold sores can be painful and embarrassing, but where do these pesky things come from and how can you get rid of these irksome ailments?

What Are Cold Sores?

Cold sores, also known as fever blisters or herpetic lesions, are a very common viral infection. According to the Cleveland Clinic, more than half of the people in the United States have been infected with the virus that causes cold sores. Of the people that have the virus, about 20-40 percent of them will go on to develop cold sores. Just because they are common does not make them any less painful or troublesome.

Cold sores spread from person to person by intimate or close contact. They are typically caused by the herpes simplex virus type 1. Outbreaks of this virus are often triggered by exposure to hot sun, cold wind, a cold, a weak immune system, changes in hormonal levels, and even stress. It can be difficult to pinpoint the exact reason an outbreak begins but once it commences, you can expect several days to weeks of healing ahead.

How Long Do They Last?

Cold sores typically begin with a tingling, burning, or itching sensation on or around the lips, beginning about 12-24 hours before the cold sore develops. Next, the area erupts from the skin and the area becomes red, swollen, and painful as the blisters form. Over the succeeding two to three days, the “weeping phase” causes the blisters to rupture and ooze. Around four to five days after the cold sore appears, it crusts and scabs over. Do not be alarmed if they crack and bleed as it heals. From start to finish, you can expect a cold sore to take one to two weeks to completely heal.


While there is no cure for these irritations, there are treatments that can significantly lower the amount of time it takes to heal from cold sores. With ointments or creams, you can expect a recovery time of around three to four days. With in-office lasers, recovery from cold sores only takes two days! Cold sore laser treatment at Capital Dental in Lincoln, NE is a low-cost way to receive high-end results. By drastically cutting the length of recovery time, this option may be perfect for those who are about to walk down the aisle or even hit the town with the confidence of a clear smile.

Signs of Gum Disease

Gum disease is a result of bacterial growth in your mouth that causes harm to the gum tissue surrounding your teeth. While some symptoms are easier to ignore, if gum disease is untreated it can lead to bone and tooth loss. Don’t ignore the signs of gum disease—we can treat the problem before it gets worse. At Capital Dental in Lincoln, NE we offer gum disease treatment solutions for any stage of gum disease.

The earliest sign of periodontitis is an irritated gum line that might present some discomfort or bleeding when you brush, floss, or have your teeth cleaned professionally. If not treated, the gums will start to retract and pull away from the teeth. This creates spaces between the teeth and gums called periodontal pockets that can quickly become filled with harmful accumulations. Your dentist will typically measure the depths of these pockets to determine how far the condition has spread and what treatment is needed to correct the problem. If gum disease eventually makes its way down to the jawbone and the connective tissues of teeth, the jawbone can deteriorate, and teeth can be lost.

Common Symptoms of Periodontal Disease

  • Gum recession
  • “Long teeth”
  • Tooth mobility (loose tooth/movement)
  • Sore teeth when you chew/bite
  • Spaces between teeth
  • Deep pockets under your gums
  • Visible bone loss on X-rays
  • Heavy tartar buildup
  • Bad breath
  • Bleeding when you brush and floss
  • Swollen, red gums

Please keep in mind that if you smoke, vape, or use tobacco products, you may not see the same symptoms as someone who doesn’t. Your tissues could look “healthy” due to the lack of bleeding or swelling, even if the disease is present.

Gum disease is a very common oral health problem that with proper treatment can minimize the harmful effects. Call our team at Capital Dental with any questions and for treatment options.

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